Touch Dimmer

Our special feature, developed long time ago, but not widely recognized and used. Since the body structure of most of our lamps is made entirely out of copper, or some other metal, we were able to use a special kind of dimmer – an inbuilt touch dimmer. Its working principles are very simple – when you touch the metal part of the lamp, dimmer recognizes a small alteration of electric load on the connected structure and changes the brightness of the bulb. Since every person holds a small electric load on their skin, the dimmers mechanism is able to recognize the touch and controls the voltage on the output. It is only possible when the user is grounded, because it is only then that the electric load on the housing changes, unloading to the ground.

When you firmly touch the lamps once, it turns on. When you touch it firmly again, it turns off. When you touch and hold the lamp, it gets brighter or darker, smoothly and seamlessly. It also has a level of brightness memory, so when you turn it off, and then turn it on again, it remembers the level of brightness set previously before being cut off.

This dimmer is very sensitive, therefore it holds some restrictions. When the operating surface, the amount of metal connected to the dimming mechanism, is too large, the lamp does not work properly. That’s why only some of our lamps have inbuilt dimmers and some other do not, or have only part of their body operational. Nevertheless, if you are looking for a perfect bedside lamp or a useful desk lamp to set the mood just right, one of our touch lamps would be a perfect choice.


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